Bio of Curt Vevang

Curt Vevang is a Chicago native and a product of the Chicago Public Schools and the University of Illinois. He has self published two full length poetry books, a scant bagatelle and the nature of things. His books are available at Amazon, keyword Vevang or can be downloaded for free from his website,

Half Way Up the Mountain

I feel for those with less,
I feel for those with more.

From my perch half way up the mountain
I can see the very peak.
I can look down and see the foothills at the base.

The bottom can’t be seen by those at the top.
Many there have no concept
the bottom even exists.

Some arrive at the top
after a long, arduous climb,
others are born there.

Days at the top are spent amassing more and more,
worried they will lose what they have,
struggling to maintain their footing on the slippery slopes.

Those at the base search for a foothold,
a pathway up the mountain.
Many languish in repeated failure,
unable to climb very far before being stymied,
forced to try a different trail.

Some try hard,
others don’t try at all.
Some are successful,
a few haven't the tools to even begin.

From my perch half way up the mountain
I watch climbers trekking by.
Those seeking wealth, nod and stay their course.
Those seeking happiness rest here a while
... and for some reason never seem to leave.