Bio of Jocelyn Ajami

Jocelyn Ajami was a painter and filmmaker for over twenty years and founder of Gypsy Heart Productions. As an artist with a global perspective, Jocelyn has been the recipient of numerous awards, including major grants from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, The Leadership Foundation, International Women's Forum, and the Goethe Institute. In 2008 she served as an activist/grantee in Dublin, Ireland during the drafting of the international treaty banning cluster bombs. She turned to writing poetry in 2014 and has been published in several anthologies of prize-winning poems, including Encore (2018) in which her poem, Un Deseo, won the Founders Award/first prize, from the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, she lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.

Un Deseo, (A Wish)

Find me
In the hollow of your hand, clutching
fallen dreams

In the salt of your tears, burnishing
the wounds of old Seville

In the bristles of your broom
sweeping alleys
on the crescent of the moon

Find me
In the crystal bowl, galloping
through liquid chambers

In the speckled eel, coiling
like a dancer’s lunar train

In a child’s first breath at
the Banquet of Words

Find me
In the smallest worm, crawling
through the brambles

In the fragile caterpillar, propping
temples on common ground

In the burnt weed, floundering
on sacred mounds

Find me
at your feet, a solitary ant,
by the commerce of devils

Find me
the desert pebble
on a snowcapped mountain
insignificant and bare

near the midnight border
of somewhere, Anywhere